How to Break Up With Someone as an HSP


Preparing for a Breakup as an HSP

As an HSP, adequately preparing for a breakup conversation is difficult, but crucial. And remember: It is essential to take enough time to process your thoughts and emotions thoroughly before having a conversation with your partner.

Here are some steps to prepare for the breakup.

Practice self-reflection and processing your emotions. Before initiating a conversation about ending the relationship, spend time reflecting on your true reasons for wanting to end the relationship and how you truly feel. Allow yourself to fully process any emotions that come up and healthily work through them, perhaps by journaling, talking to a friend or therapist, or engaging in self-care activities, like meditation. Then, come to terms with your decision before proceeding. Rushing into the breakup before you are ready could lead to additional hurt for you both.

Consider the other person’s perspective. Put yourself in your partner’s shoes and try to understand how they might react upon hearing the news. Think about how you can approach the conversation compassionately while still being honest about your reasons. You may think they know the “breakup talk” is coming… or, they may be blindsided. So try to prepare as best you can.

Plan for the conversation. After processing your emotions and considering your partner’s perspective, it is time to plan and approach the conversation respectfully. Remember to prioritize your emotional well-being while also considering your partner’s feelings — which probably won’t be tough for you as an empathic, sensitive person! Also, decide how you want to have the breakup conversation — in person, over the phone, or what have you. In person is usually the most respectful approach, especially if you have been together a while.

Here are some tips for having a breakup conversation — with compassion and respect.

Choose the right time and place. Choose a time when both of you are not preoccupied with other activities, preferably somewhere you won’t be interrupted. This can help both of you feel less anxious during the conversation.
Communicate effectively and compassionately. Be clear and direct in your communication, rather than sending mixed signals. Use “I” statements instead of “you” statements to avoid sounding confrontational, such as “I don’t think this is working out” or “I feel x…” Then, listen actively to your partner’s response and try to respond with empathy and understanding, so they feel heard and validated.
Be prepared for a negative reaction from them. It’s natural for you and your partner to experience a range of emotions during a breakup conversation. Be prepared for the conversation to take longer than expected, and for emotions to run high. But try to stay calm and focused during the conversation, even if your partner becomes upset or angry. Of course, if they become abusive and you feel unsafe, prioritize your safety and well-being above all else (that’s another reason breaking up in a public place may be best).